Actions that ensure you can do your job well and correctly.
Regularly take breaks
Attend regular debriefings
Be strict with boundaries between clients
Attend professional development programs
Ensuring you remain physically healthy and happy to have a good work-life social life.
Healthy sleep routine
healthy diet and eating times
Take lunch breaks/coffee breaks
No work on down-time
Stretch/swim/walk or run, etc.
Actions that keep your mind sharp and ensure it can function well:
Engage with personal hobby.
Turn off your email and work phone outside of work hours.
Emotional self-care through introspection
Allowing yourself to safely experience your full range of emotions.
Surround self with supportive friends and family
Talk to friends about how you are coping with work and life demands.
Your view beyond the day-to-day life
Engage in reflective practices like meditation
Go to church/mosque/temple/nature
Reflect with a close friend for support
Maintaining your relationships
Prioritise close relationships in your life
Attend the special events of your family and friends.
Prioritising home over work
The following checklist has been adapted from Saakvitne, Pearlman, & Staff of TSI/CAAP Short Course Trauma Support And Counselling. Hospivision. Andre de la Porte and Trauma Team