Half Full versus Half Empty
Have you ever had those whispers telling you that you will never amount to anything? Or that the world is a much better place without you? Sometimes I feel like that. I don’t feel as if I deserve my qualification, […]
Facing reality
If you’ve been following my journey, you’d know that I am a medical intern in South Africa. Working in a health system that’s so overloaded is incredibly strenuous, but more so when you come in with impairments you have no control over. I was diagnosed with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis a little over a year ago […]
To talk or not to talk
To talk or not to talk I’ve never liked to talk about the deep stuff – the kinds of things that make me feel uncomfortable, the things I’d rather not think about. So I’ve developed an ability to avoid it all. This ability has extended beyond conversation alone. I found that I could avoid the […]
My journey with the drugs of psychiatry

“Maybe I really could push through without them and employ the famous ‘mind over matter strategy’ and to ‘just be more positive’.
Please, don’t do that to yourself. You deserve better – and I’m saying that as someone who has been down that road and heard it all before.”
Mental health support for Ukraine
There have been many ways in which the world has responded to the war raging in the Ukraine. Those helping have been kind and generous in the material needs of those fleeing and fighting. However, the mental health of everyone involved in the war seems to have been put to the back. We at PHS […]
Down the comparison wormhole
Down the comparison wormhole… Have you ever felt so inept that you wonder how you’ve made it so long? Kind of like everything you do is not good enough no matter how hard you try? Have you ever wondered if other people had the same struggles? Wondered how they are so good at keeping it […]
My Truth
Your struggles are so real and valid but it doesn’t mean you need to face them alone.
We all need some validation
Today is one of the bad days. All I’ve been able to do today is eat. I have seemingly developed the mother of all appetites. Just what I need, another problem. But this one is for another day. I’ll deal with it when all my clothes no longer fit me… My brain registers that I’m […]
Oh, by His Grace!
On days like today l feel betrayed by my own body and mind.
Introducing: You’re never as alone as you feel.
“You’re never as alone as you feel”