
Our Psychotherapy Healing Space is like a forest — a haven for those who have harsh, difficult roads behind them. We provide shade, sunshine, and energy. We offer a space for people to heal and connect, and to envisage their potential anew.

Therapy, or counselling, can also be compared to planting a seed. You never know how and when the seed will begin to grow, but you know that with water, sunshine and nourishment, growth will come. A seed will become a seedling, a plant, a shrub, a tree. In time it will bear beautiful flowers and wholesome fruit.

As with each of us, a seed carries its own characteristics and preferences. The seed germinates; its strikes root in the soil and penetrates deep into the earth from where it receives its life. We humans, too, must be the earth for our mind, soul, and spirit — our true self — to stay healthy and safe.

How do we do that? We each have a body, a home, an own earth! Gifted with this one, unique body, the seed of the I is planted in my body, and the seed of the You in yours. Be firm, but gentle and respectful, with your body, your earth. Nurture your soil with the fresh air, the rain, and the sunshine of exercise, mindfulness, and healthy food, so that your true self can germinate, grow, and flourish.

If you seek or need a space to rest your mind and soul, connect with us by Clicking Here